Father's Day: How the boy's do love spending time with their father! Part of Daddy's gift was Guitar Hero....who doesn't love it!
Next in line is Reid's 4th Birthday. He chose a Wall-E themed party. I love watching my boys enjoy their special birthday celebration. I always hope they look back at them with fond memories.
Reid has become attached to a dalmatian named "Pongo." He kept telling us that Pongo misses his puppies. Pongo is sad. To keep Pongo from being sad, he got 4 Dalmatian puppies. Reid & Pongo are now happy. The puppies also finally have names: Rolley, Lucky, Rover, & Doodles. It's all so very sweet!
Christian just recently finished T-Ball. You can also see Daddy assisting the coaches on 3rd base. Christian was SOOOOOO cute in his little baseball uniform.
I think the candles on the cake says it all!

Christian has already decided on his 6th birthday party theme....Cowboys. He & Reid are practicing on Papa's back. Poor Papa.....we have hardwood floors so I know the horses knees would benefit from some soft pads!

On the last day of prek, the kids took home a silk worm. It was treated as a "pet" until it started to cocoon. It took an incredible 14 days to break out.

Here is Christian sooooo proud of himself. This is the day he learned to ride his bike without the training wheels. It was definitely a baby book moment. Yes, I did log it in his baby book the very same day. This was also Mother's Day. What a great day!

Also Mother's Day......
This was the sweetest "Mother's Tea." Christian's prek class hosted a special tea for the mothers. When I arrived, Christian met me at the door, escorted me to my seat, & gave me a corsage he had made. So sweet. Talk about choking back the tears! I loved watching Christian getting so much pleasure out of how much I enjoyed everything he had specially prepared for me.

A rainy day at the zoo with daddy. It's great when we are able to do these fun things as a family.

Easter morning. Great pic of Daddy and Reid's is just funny. He is very busy eating as much candy as we will let him get away with.

Also Easter. Christian is very busy organizing his little eggs. Gotta love an organizer! As you can see from the photo, the Easter Bunny was very generous with the eggs this year.

Another great day at the zoo.

Isn't this the sweetest picture. Reid has just received his Snowy Thomas train for going pee-pee in the potty. BIG accomplishment. We just recently officially completed the potty training about 1 month ago. Yeah Reid! I am so confident about this that I even gave away his diapers.
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